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 ​In the fall semester of 2017, two French courses at St. Olaf and Carleton were simultaneously separate and connected, remaining independent in their weekly course, but overlapping in their overarching themes. The two classes collaborated for a beginning-of-the-year meet and greet, a film screening, a field trip to the Arab Film Festival in Minneapolis, a teaching swap, and a culminating presentation where students shared their research. 

Middle East Studies & French Departments of St. Olaf & Carleton

Broadening the Bridge

Broadening the Bridge is a collaborative effort between St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges. 

Carleton and St. Olaf use competitively awarded re-grants to foster faculty development of shared projects and courses that build bridges across the academic programs at our two colleges and lay the structural—and cultural—foundations for curricular collaborations

In Fall 2016, Jamie Schillinger (Religion/MES, St. Olaf) and Noah Salomon (Religion/MES, Carleton) received support for the  cooperation between the Carleton and St. Olaf Middle East Studies programs: linking two pairs of related courses (one in French, one in religion), sponsoring an inter-campus Middle East film series, bringing at least one visiting expert to the colleges, and coordinating the program websites and event calendars.

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